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We keep a stock of parts that are more likely to fail than others, including ignitors, lambda probes and sensors.
Different boilers have varying requirements when it comes to servicing, but a service generally includes:
- Emptying of the ash boxes
- Thorough clean and inspection of the heat exchanger and combustion chamber
- Checking that all motors, actuators and sensors are operating correctly
- Lubrication and greasing of bearings and other moving parts
- Removal of ash from the flue condense cap
- Calibration on the lambda probe
- Handover and advice on any further works required
This can vary between manufacturers, however in most cases the service intervals are 2500hrs or annually, whichever comes first.
This will vary according to the make and model of your boiler. However, many of our customers empty the ash boxes once a month. In most cases the boiler will tell you when to empty the ash boxes.
Most parts are supplied by the boiler manufactures in Austria, and any orders confirmed and paid for before 11am can normally be shipped on a next day delivery. For less urgent orders, standard delivery is three to five working days.